Blaster (THM)

sequel to ice

TryHackMeBlaster Write-Up

topics: Windows Privilege Escalation

  1. Enumeration

  2. Local Privilege Escalation (Exploitation)

  3. Administrator Privilege Escalation

new tools:

tools: nmapAutomator, dirsearch, Remmina, gobuster


Initial nmap scan ./ $ip Basic

There is a webserver on port 80 as well as RDP open on port 3389. Lets gobuster the website.

gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-small.txt

We have a hidden subdrectory named /retro, navigating to this page shows a potential username, Wade

Local Privilege Escalation

With usernames often come passwords or at the very least brute forcing passwords. Lets see what other sensitive information may be lying around here

Inspecting the recent comment reveals that Wade has left his password publically exposed, parzival

Because RDP is open, we can attempt to login with the creds, Wade:parzival

xfreerdp /u:wade /p:parzival /cert:ignore /v:$ip

Administrator Privilege Escalation

We can snoop around for common windows exploits, but I'd like to get some winPEAS practice in.

Transferring with certutil and running winPEAS.exe >> winpriv.txt yields the output

I could not find anything immediate that stuck out to me, so lets go back to the machine and come back if nothing sticks out.

There exists an executable file on the desktop, hhupd.exe. Searching this file reveals these exploit steps to get an NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM shell. Using CVE-2019-1388. Click run as Admin.

Click show more and then click VeriSign Commercial Software Publishers CA.

Open the file in explorer and click save as

Click Ok which will open a the folder manager. Search for cmd.exe and run the program.

Alternative PrivEsc

Last updated