Return (HTB)

HackTheBox Return Write-Up

topics: Account Misconfiguration, Environment Misconfiguration, Active Directory, Printer Exploit, Windows Privilege Escalation (Server Operator group)

  1. Enumeration

  2. Local Privilege Escalation

  3. System Privilege Escalation

tools: nmap, autorecon, nc, evil-winrm, sc.exe


Initial nmap and autorecon scans:

The initial scans detail a potential Active Directory server with DNS, Kerberos, LDAP, MSRPC, and SMB ports open. With the variety of AD based ports open, we can begin enumerating the website while the scans complete.


The website is a simple printer administrator panel with available tabs including settings, fax, and troubleshooting. As this appears to be a public facing admin panel, the most logical step would be to enumerate the settings tab.

The settings tab contains a potentially vulnerable interface consisting of the option to update a server address, port, username, and password.

At first glance, I tried to change the password in an effort to conduct an authenticated SMB scan with svc-printer, which was unsuccessful. Since changing the password did not return any unusual behavior, we can also attempt to change the server address, potentially replacing it with our attacker IP and listen on port 389 for incoming connections.

nc -nlvp 389

The attempt to redirect a request to the attacking IP was successful and returned the password of svc-printer. As winrm port 47001 is open, we can attempt an interactive shell with evil-winrm

Enumeration Results


53 DNS

No subdomains found


Printer admin panel vulnerable to LDAP redirect, leads to foothold

88/464 Kerberos


139/445 SMB

Anonymous login/scan not permitted

389/636/3268 LDAP

Insecure redirect via HTTP leads to foothold via port 389

Local Privilege Escalation

Utilizing the password acquired through HTTP, we can attempt to gain an initial foothold running:

evil-winrm -u svc-printer -p '1edFg43012!!' --ip return.local

Immediately, the privileges assigned to svc-printer can be used to escalate privileges, depending on which groups the user belongs to.

From net user svc-printer we can see they belong to the Server Operators group, indicating the potential to start/stop arbitrary services with SYSTEM privileges.

System Privilege Escalation

Members of the Server Operators group can start/stop any executable with NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM privileges.

We can modify a service binary path to obtain a reverse shell with escalated privileges. Upload a PS reverse shell or nc windows executable, configure the vss service with the path of the netcat executable opening a reverse shell to the attacking machine.

Next, listen for the shell and restart the service.

Last updated