*Anonforce (THM)

TryHackMeAnonforce Write-Up

topics: web application attacks (FTP), password cracking

  1. Plan

  2. Enumeration

  3. Password Cracking/Privilege Escalation

new tools:

tools: terminal, nmapAutomator, firefox browser

1. Plan

This box is not a walkthrough. It is described as a boot2root CTF box asking for only the user and root flag.

Because we do not know anything about this box, there is not much to plan for except to parse through enumeration.

2. Enumeration

using nmapAutomator, we can implement basic scans:

./nmapAutomator.sh Basic which returns that port 21/22 are open, FTP and SSH. The basic scan returns the version numbers and software running on those ports, as well as revealing that anonymous FTP login (FTP code 230) is allowed. Because it is running FTP, it must be running software on that port with that protocol. Navigating to displays the entire system directory, including /home where user.txt files are usually found.


21/tcp open ftp vsftpd 3.0.3

22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 7.2p2 Ubuntu 4ubuntu2.8 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)

navigating to /home/melodias reveals the user.txt, very straightforward.

3. Password Cracking/Privilege Escalation

There exists a particular directory on called ‘notread’ which is obviously a red flag and something to search in. Cd’ing to this reveals backup PGP key and a private key.

Once we download the files, we can try to decrypt them with the gpg command.

gpg –import private.asc asks for a password, so perhaps johntheripper can crack the hash of this file, enabling us to decrypt the keys. First we have to import the private.asc key and convert it with gpg2john.

gpg --import /media/sf_shareFolder/private.asc

gpg2john /media/sf_shareFolder/private.asc > hash

john hash

john –show hash

gpg --import /media/sf_shareFolder/private.asc (enter password)

gpg --decrypt /media/sf_shareFolder/backup.pgp

once GPG decrypts the key, a password hash for root and for the user melodias appears. Because there are hundreds of different types of hashes, we need to identify which hashes we have and crack them with hashcat.

We can identify the types of hash by the $n$ preceding the bunch of characters. The root hash has $6$ syntax while the user hash has $1$ syntax. They are revealed to be sha512crypt $6$, SHA512 (Unix) and md5crypt, MD5 (Unix), Cisco-IOS $1$ (MD5) respectively from the website (https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=example_hashes\). Now we can crack these hashes and SSH into the machine as root.

Hashcat and john would not work on a VM. Attempting to break them in Manjaro returned the error: clGetPlatformIDs(): CL_PLATFORM_NOT_FOUND_KHR which I did not have time to troubleshoot. I attempted to list the hashes into online crackers but they could not recognize the syntax:



I will revist proper ways to crack hashes. Cracking the hash reveals the root password and enables us to SSH into the machine as root.

Last updated