*Doctor (HTB)

HackTheBox Doctor Write-Up

topics: Linux Privilege Escalation

  1. Enumeration

  2. Local Privilege Escalation

  3. System Privilege Escalation



initial autorecon and nmapAutomator scans

nmap -vv --reason -Pn -A --osscan-guess --version-all -p- -oN

We have three ports open on this machine SSH, HTTP and HTTPS. I first inspected the unique port 8089




scroll further and find three pictures of highlighted doctors, need to find username syntax and/or credentials for doctors Jade Guzman, Hannah Ford, and James Wilson.




navigating to /splunk returns a 404 status code.

default creds admin:changeme do not work. changeme also doesnt work with guessed syntax of other three users found

we have three usernames and a login page for services and servicesNS both of which contain sensitive information once credentials are found.

  • find username syntax for HTTPS login

  • find passwords for usernames after syntax for HTTPS enum (decrypt?)

through research for the Splunk docs for version 8.1.1 I learned that once admin credentials are obtained, they can list all the credentials stored at the storage/passwords endpoint of the application. Presumably of all users on the system.


Local Privilege Escalation

Root Privilege Escalation

Last updated