Simple CTF (THM)

TryHackMeSimpleCTF Write-Up

topics: web application security, password cracking, fixing public exploits, ftp, ssh, salted hashes

  1. Plan

  2. Enumeration

  3. Local Privilege Escalation (Exploitation)

  4. Root Privilege Escalation

new tools: hash-identifier, gunzip,

tools: nmapAutomator, dirsearch, hydra, searchsploit, python, vim, sudo


export ip=

Starting ./ $ip Basic

We see that FTP, HTTP and SSH are open on ports 21, 80 and 2222 respectively.

Port 80 is running Apache 2.4.18 lets dirsearch that

python3 -u $ip -e php,html,txt

A few interesting things here, a subdirectory and a text file. Lets inspect the txt file and enumerate /simple

Inspecting the text file reveals this is a CUPS server, reveals the username mike and that it was accessed March 19, 2003..

Inspecting /simple reveals CMS website, version 2.2.8

Inspecting the FTP server seemingly reveals nothing

Remember from the initial scan that Anonymous login is permitted.


  1. Check for vulnerabilities on the http server with an nmap scan

  2. try searchsploit with the CMS version 2.2.8

  3. Login to the FTP server as Anonymous

  4. enumerate /simple

  5. Brute forcing the ssh port with the username mike we found in /robots.txt using hydra

HTTP Server

./ $ip Vulns

searchsploit CMS Simple 2.2

FTP Anonymous Login

ftp <ip>

After logging in to the FTP server as anonymous, we have discovered an additional username mitch and that we have a weak password.


Further enumeration of /simple

python3 -u -e php,html,txt

Brute Forcing SSH

hydra -t 20 -l mike -P rockyou.txt ssh://

There is a lot of information here, one of these will most likely be our attack vector. We have two usernames, five or six potential CVEs to use and we have access to five subdirectories. I'm guessing we'll be able to find ssh creds through brute forcing with usernames, on login.php or the CMS Simple SQL injection.

Local Privilege Escalation

SQL Injection

Looking up CMS Simple 2.2.8 exploit yields CVE-2019-9053 and an accompanying python script with usage instructions.

Running the script

python -u --crack -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/others/best110.txt

This script gave me errors on the Kali 2020 machine from THM. I ended up booting Kali 2018, got the termcolor error, pip install termcolor then run above command

Per hash-identifer, we have an MD5 hashed password.

Decrypting Hashes

Notice the word Salt in the first line, this indicates we have a salted hash, a hash accompaned with a salt. A salt is random data that is used as an additional input to a one-way function that hashes data, a password or passphrase

Putting both hash and salt in the hash decoding website

Brute Forcing SSH

Brute forcing SSH with hydra, using the username mitch instead of mike also yields the password

gunzip < /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz >> rockyou.txt

hydra -P rockyou.txt -l mitch ssh://

Root Privilege Escalation

First things first sudo -l

sudo /usr/bin/vim

And as we know to spawn a shell in vim, :!bash

Last updated