Library (THM)

TryHackMeLibrary Write-Up

topics: web application security, open ports, password attacks, Linux privilege escalation, python, file manipulation,

  1. Enumeration

  2. Local Privilege Escalation (Exploitation)

  3. Root Privilege Escalation

new tools:

tools: firefox browser, terminal, nmapAutomator, dirsearch, ssh, sudo, hydra


following ./ <ip> Basic

and following python3 -u -e php

it looks like this machine is running an Ubuntu Apache Web Server version 2.4.18 on port 80 with ssh OpenSSH running on ssh port 22, version 7.2p2. There are three subdirectories we have access to (/images, /index.html, /robots.txt).

Local Privilege Escalation (Exploitation)

Using searchsploit with the services and version number return some potential exploits

but we need a foothold somehow. None of the subdirectories seem to allow a path traversal attack or reveal anything interesting other than the robots.txt, which says User-agent: rockyou which is a hint towards the rockyou wordlist. There is nothing on the page except a username meliodas and some comments, you cannot post a comment or review them.

There is nothing else on this webpage that would appear to reveal an attack vector. We must go with the only two hints we have, meliodas and rockyou. SSH is open on port 22 and meliodas:rockyou is a username and password combination, lets try to break in with hydra.

hydra -t 20 -l meliodas -P <rockyou.txt> ssh://

Trying this yields a way in. Hydra returns that the password iloveyou1 is for the user meliodas.

Root Privilege Escalation

First things first with root privilege escalation, sudo -l

returns this interesting information. The only sudo command the user can run is sudo python Running the command returns an error that the user cannot run python as sudo. Using the full file path sudo python /home/meliodas/, runs the command which does nothing.

There is nothing against removing the file and changing the contents to include a python shell. rm and echo 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/sh")' > /home/meliodas/ and run the command again to achieve a root shell.

Last updated